Top 3 ways to market yourself this summer - everything you need to know to secure your next position

5 minutes read time

Summer is an excellent time for job seekers to revamp their personal brand and market themselves effectively. With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, standing out is crucial.

As a leading UK recruitment agency, we’ve identified the top three strategies to help you shine this summer and secure your dream job. 

1. Polish your online presence

Update your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and job searching. Ensure your profile is current, showcasing your latest achievements and skills. A professional headshot, a compelling headline, and a detailed summary that highlights your career aspirations and accomplishments can make a significant difference. Mark yourself as "open to opportunities" to ensure you're not missing out on the latest job opportunities. 

Engage in thought leadership 

Post articles, share insights, and comment on industry news to demonstrate your expertise and engage with your network. Participating in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions can also increase your visibility.

Clean up your social media 

Employers often check candidates' social media profiles. Ensure your accounts reflect a professional image. Remove any content that might be deemed inappropriate or unprofessional.

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2. Network effectively

Attend industry events and webinars 

Summer is packed with networking opportunities, from conferences to webinars. These events are great for meeting industry professionals, learning about the latest trends, and finding job openings. Contact us for details on relevant events taking place near you. 

Utilise the network of a recruitment agency 

Appoint a reputable recruitment agency to help guide you through the current positions in your market. Take time to get to know your recruitment consultant so they understand your needs and what you're looking for. Recruitment agencies are best placed to find some of the most exclusive positions in the market and will help negotiate your compensation package on your behalf. 

Join professional associations 

Being part of professional associations related to your field can open doors to job listings, networking events, and resources that can aid your job search.

Marketing yourself effectively this summer involves a mix of enhancing your online presence, strategic networking, and skill development.

3. Enhance your skills

Take online courses 

Summer is a great time to enroll in online courses or workshops to learn new skills or update existing ones. Platforms like RICS, College of Estate Management, Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a plethora of courses ranging from technical skills to soft skills.

Volunteer or take internships 

Volunteering or interning, even for a short period, can provide practical experience and expand your network. It also shows potential employers that you’re proactive and committed to continuous improvement.

Work on personal projects 

Engaging in personal projects relevant to your field can be a testament to your passion and expertise. Whether it’s a blog, a portfolio, or a coding project, showcasing tangible results can make you more attractive to employers.

Marketing yourself effectively this summer involves a mix of enchancing your online presence, strategic networking, and skill development. By updating your LinkedIn profile, engaging in thought leadership, and cleaning up your social media, you lay a solid foundation for a professional image. Networking through events, leveraging existing connections, and joining professional associations can open new doors. 

At Carriera, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate the job market and land your ideal role. Stay proactive, stay visible, and use these strategies to make the most of your summer job search.

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